Are you interested in finding projects in your PennDOT District? You can begin by visiting the new ProjectPATH searchable database of PennDOT projects programmed on the Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan. Search for projects in your PennDOT Engineering District, County or by project name. Learn more and explore.

Data Quality Statement

ProjectPATH includes all PennDOT state and local projects programmed on the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and legacy projects. The STIP includes all projects planned for construction in the next four years. Project data is imported from three PennDOT databases (Cultural Resources Document Tracking Database, the MPMS Database, and the CE/EA Expert System). In addition, PennDOT Cultural Resource Professionals enter data directly into the ProjectPATH System and upload important supporting documents.*

Projects Map – Basic Search

The basic search map was created using PennDOT MPMS data filtered to only display projects on the STIP. The PennDOT map data was linked by MPMS number to the ProjectPATH system data. Because most local projects and projects no longer on the STIP (old projects) are not generally mapped, they will not display. These projects can be found using the Advanced Search. Click on the blue question mark for tips to improve your search.

New Upgrades

On March 6th, 2015, ProjectPATH went live on PennDOT’s servers. In the coming months a number of performance upgrades are anticipated for the system, and they’ll be announced as they are implemented.

Please submit comments to Preservation Pennsylvania at

* The searchable database includes information dated from 1993 to present. The database contains projects in which Section 106 review has already been completed. Please direct any questions about data to Ira Beckerman, PennDOT Central Office, at

Privacy Policy

PennDOT only collects and stores your email address and contact information for log in purposes and to send you information about Department transportation projects. We do not sell or distribute your personal information. You can remove yourself from our list at any time. Please contact us at to request to be removed from the mailing list.

Personal information you provide is stored in a secure location and is accessible only by designated staff. If you choose to participate as an interested individual or consulting party on a transportation project, you may be contacted by a PennDOT District Cultural Resource Professional regarding a new online posting.

The ProjectPATH site contains links to other sites. We are not responsible for the content and privacy practices of those sites, and we recommend that you read their privacy policies for further information.